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Book Review + Giveaway!!!


There is a new book that anyone connected with ministry to children needs to know about. And, I'm thrilled to be part of the Blog Tour for it!!

Here's me holding a megaphone to be sure you know all about it!!! {{insert picture using your imagination}}

Time to Update by Brittany Nelson (the Deeper KidMin gal) is all about how to integrate digital discipleship into your children’s ministry strategy and it’s so good! In a world where the downsides of technology are many, this resource will give hope and ideas and help.

Your tech + ministry mindset shift is just a book away!

If you're not sure what the term "digital discipleship" means, don't worry. Brittany explains it in a simple yet profound way.

And, if you're not sure how to implement technology well as you minister to kids and their families, you're in luck. This book has a ton of practical ideas.

Whether you grew up with technology since birth (#DigitalNative) or you remember the days before technology (#DigitalImmigrant), you will receive more insight, content and practical application than the typical ministry book.

Like it or not ~ and most days I like it ~ technology is here to stay. It will continue to change rapidly. Children will be impacted by it more than ever before. And, we seriously need to understand the why and how of using it to our advantage and for eternal purposes in ministry. Time to Update helps with all of that.

From admin helps to websites (hello, outdated church site) to teaching kids to equipping volunteers to communicating with parents to handling social media to things that most of us haven't thought of before (because we didn't write the book), this resource is packed with info that will be valuable for everyone.

In an effort to keep all of these accolades short-ish, I'm just going to encourage you to get the book. Very soon.

I'm also going to give away a copy of the book!!!!!

If you're on my email list, you already have a head start.

If you're not, that's the first thing!!! Hop over here, enter you email and you'll get further (easy) instruction from there.

I hope you win a copy!!

I hope you purchase a copy.

I hope you give a copy.

Listen, Chapter 10 is "Bonus Tools & Ideas" ......... those 11 pages alone are worth the price of the book.

Brittany is one of my most favorite ministry gals and I really think she will quickly become one of yours when you allow her years of research, hours (and hours) of writing and huge heart for ministry to impact you through Time to Update.

Want to follow the book blog tour? Next week (9/11/23) you can find it featured on Raise Up Faith!


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